Again, getting outside the narrative flow of previous posts, I am including some of pictures from current attic foray. And some pictures found earlier.
Click a picture to make it bigger.

(1991, in Phenix City Al at Aunt Margaret's 75th birthday party. Front row L - R Aunt Virginia Parris, Yancie Weathers. Back Row, L - R, Uncle Ken Parris, Uncle Bob Parris, Aunt Margaret Parris Hunt, Tom Weathers, Brenda Weathers. Interesting aside - on this date - March 28, 2010 - only Tom and Yancie remain.)

(1980's. One of our annual trips to Asheboro zoo in early October when we would celebrate Yancie's birthday by meeting my sister (far right), her husband Henry and little Henry - the guy in the red beret. My sister died in 2000.)

(Brenda working in backyard on Gold St - Shelby. She is decorating a concrete parking stop placed there by previous owner, Elva Gheen. Brenda always made do with what was there. Given the cars I'd guess somewhere between 1987 - 1991. )

(More gardening - not sure where, maybe Gold St. Brenda liked Gold St. Never cared for Mt. Holly.)

(In 1956 on porch at Blanton Street. I love this and following two pictures not only because she is especially beautiful - elegant, but because she seems to have a sense of confidence and poise - maybe happiness, that she does not normally display.)

(Almost laughing.)

(Actually laughing - the only picture I know that shows that. I did not know her in 1956 - just of her - although we did meet in 1952. I was in Florida when this picture was shot and even if I had been in Shelby would not have had the guts to approach her. I wonder, was 1956 a good year for her - maybe the last good year for a long time? Or was this moment a fluke. I don't know who the little girl was.)

(Probably on Blanton St in the early 1980's. Despite having to deal with me, this was a good time for Brenda.)

(Early 1990's, Gold St. Frank Hamrick, Margaret Hamrick, Yancie, Brenda. Frank and Margaret were our best friends. We saw them at the Dairy Queen every night and twice on Sunday's. Frank and I had coffee and ran errands every Saturday morning for about 35 years. When he died in 2002 - a few days before Allie was born it was like losing a brother. Brenda seems a little annoyed here. If so, it could be because she didn't like having her picture made. But maybe she isn't annoyed at all and the camera caught her in mid-expression.)

(Sometime between 1987 - 95, walking back or to the Dairy Queen from Gold St. It was about 1.5 miles. We joked about how I would push Brenda's back to help her get up hills. Probably it was the beginning of emphysema. )

(Brenda at the Dairy Queen. Probably in the late 1980's or early 1990's.)

(Brenda and Yancie in front of Webb Chapel in Shelby where Margaret's mother was getting married and where Yancie would get married some years later. Sometime in the 1980's. Brenda is standing in her model's pose one leg and foot held at an angle. Maybe when she was younger this was a conscious act - maybe not. But it wasn't conscious here because she didn't know I was shooting this picture - many pictures of her candid, unplanned shots. She was never at peace with her beauty and would deny it. Maybe being too pretty too soon got her in trouble with the predators who showed up on Blanton St. )

(Another of her model pose pictures. On Blanton street probably in 1953 - 1954 when she was 13 or 14.)

(In 1946 - when she was six. On Thompson Street in Shelby. Her grandmother Lackey's big house is on the left. This is where Brenda would live until 1950 when her grandmother died and she moved back to Blanton St. The smaller house directly behind might have been constructed by one of Brenda's Lackey uncles. )

(Curtis Moser pictures, items. The picture on the right from 1931 was shot during a visit to a relative in Palm Beach. Brenda used to talk about a place named Rey De Tey. The newspaper clipping and the program card pertain to Debutante week in Raleigh in 1932. Curtis escorted Miss Elizabeth Campbell. They were among "six attractive members of the young social contingent in Shelby").

(Curtis and his mother Dora Richardson - probably from the 1930's. She was from the elegant side of the family with Old South connections. The Moser's - according to Brenda, were black sheep Jews - of whom she was very proud.)

(Curtis and Isabel at Chimney Rock NC - in the late 1930's.)

(Curtis and Isabel - maybe in front of house in Charlotte where they lived during early years of WWII - which Brenda remembered as one of the best times of her life.)

(Curtis and Isabel - on Blanton St in Shelby in the mid-1950's. By this time, the Fall was probably already beginning to happen.)

(Isabel's 1935 class picture from Fassifern, a girl's finishing school near Hendersonville NC. It might be just my perception, but she reeks of sensuality and danger. She and Curtis were a match made somewhere other than in heaven.)

(Brenda looks like Isabel here - July 1962, about the time I went in the Army)

(Curtis - probably 1945 in Okinawa where guarded Japanese POWs.)

(Isabel - 1910's)

(Louisiana 1945 - Before going to the Pacific Curtis was stationed in Ft. Polk Louisiana. Brenda and Isabel rode the train from Shelby to Alexandria to visit him.)

(Isabel and baby Brenda. Probably Shelby, 1940 - 1941.)

(Brenda as adolescent and younger. Given that she usually looked older in pictures than she actually was it is hard to say. In a previous move when we were looking at these pictures, she remembered as a little girl hating the curly hair-do in the bottom photo. Her displeasure is apparent in the picture.)